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Covers years 2019-2023
This dataset contains anonymised information about printed materials consulted in the Library’s General and Special Collections reading rooms from 2019-2023.
The data includes the following fields:
–Loans: how many times an item has been consulted in our reading rooms
–Title: title of the item
–Author: author(s) of the item
–MMS Id: Alma (Library Management System used at National Library of Scotland) identification code for the bibliographic record of item
–Barcode: barcode of the item
–Call number: physical location of item in library stacks
–Circulation Desk Description: reading room location of the item
–Patron Group: General reader (including students or higher education access) or Library Staff
–Publication date: date of publication of the item
–Loan date: date the item was first consulted
–Return date: date the item was returned
–Subjects: Library of Congress subject headings for the item
This data does not include:
-Archives, manuscripts, maps, serials, moving image or sound consultations (some of these are planned for future, separate, releases)
-Online resources (such as journal articles, digitised material and other eresources) consultations

Rights information

This collection is free of known copyright restrictions. For details visit the Library’s copyright page.
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File contents: 1 readme file (plain text); 5 CSV files
File size: 13.2 MB compressed (47.1 MB uncompressed)
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34812/yqqg-d273
Dataset creator: National Library of Scotland
Dataset publisher: National Library of Scotland
Publication year: 2024
Suggested citation: National Library of Scotland. National Library of Scotland printed materials borrowing data National Library of Scotland, 2024. https://doi.org/10.34812/yqqg-d273